This webpage provides information and updates on the seismic replacement of Centennial Secondary School, which is located in Coquitlam.
Updates (from newest to oldest)
Project complete (November 2024).
NLC (Neighborhood Learning Centre) additional work completed (September 2024).
NLC additional work near completion. (August 2024)
Construction of additional
classrooms and offices nearly complete in the NLC building.
Construction of additional classrooms and
offices underway in the NLC building (December 2023).
Additional learning and program spaces within the NLC building being completed (September 2023).

Occupancy of the NLC building was achieved (June 2023)
NLC PE Facilities Occupancy achieved: remainder of facility is ongoing (April 2023)
NLC Gym Occupancy received: remainder of PE facilities nearing completion (Feb 2023)
Turf Field Completed (Spring 2022)
April 2022
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Finishing work continues throughout the building. The space is now brightly lit by the permanent light fixtures in almost all areas. All of the gym floor boards have been placed with sanding, line painting and bleacher installations expected to wrap up in the next few weeks. The majority of the flooring, millwork, and plumbing fixture installations have been completed. The remainder of the building cladding and envelope work is underway.
The turf field is expected to open for use April 2, 2022 and the school will start using it for classes and sports April 4, 2022. There will still be some finishing work to complete such as installation of the spotter towers and this work will happen in the coming weeks. Some areas will have temporary fencing in place until remaining work is completed and to isolate the field from the active school construction area. School PE staff have been given advanced tours of the field and are looking forward to hosting their first classes!
February 2022
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
The interior of the Centennial building is advancing to the finishing stages. Drywall work and ceiling layouts are both nearly complete and painting is underway. Flooring work has started in several areas and this work is progressing quickly. The gymnasium floor installation has also started. Millwork installations have started in several rooms.
On the building exterior, nearly all of the exterior glass is installed and we expect that installation of the remaining cladding panels will also start soon. The civil works to prepare the grounds around the building are also underway.
The field has been progressing well. The fencing works are in the final stages, only a few segments of concrete have to be finished and landscaping preparations are underway. The infill material for the turf field has arrived and several layers have already been placed. More layers will be installed as weather permits.
November 2021
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
For the NLC building, nearly all of the building exterior envelope is complete with just a few sections of glass and cladding remaining. Finishing work is progressing on the interior with nearly all walls being drywalled, sanded, and ready for paint. Tiling is underway in various areas and the ceilings are well advanced. Painting has finished in the gymnasium and the wall treatments and panelling are nearly complete. The gym floor material has arrived on site. The School District and Contractor are working closely together as we move towards completing this project.
The field work has progressed well. Nearly all the perimeter fence posts are in place and the chain link fencing and the remaining landscaping works are expected to start soon. The initial materials for the artificial turf have arrived on site and installation of the shock pad has begun.
We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progress of the project.
School District # 43 (Coquitlam)
Summer 2021
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Cladding work has been progressing around the building with the installation of membranes, insulation and metal strapping that the final exterior finish will attach to. The first section of curtain wall glazing has been installed, another key step as we move towards having a fully enclosed building. The two large air handling units have also been hoisted from the ground and placed on the roof, clearing space on the ground for other works to get set up. Insulation of the interior walls has begun.
The City of Coquitlam's Contractor has also been making steady progress on the field works. There has been notable levelling and compacting of the area and various stockpiles of material can be seen on site. Preparations for the south retaining wall are underway and excavation has started where water and drain services will connect to existing infrastructure.
We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progress of the project.
School District # 43 (Coquitlam)
May 2021
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Work continues to progress on the NLC building at Centennial. Almost all the interior walls are now framed in steel stud to the extent that individual rooms and spaces can be easily identified when walking through the building. Foundation waterproofing and insulation have been completed on the north side of the building and the Contractor will soon start the same on the south side of the building. Significant progress has been made on the gym wall cladding and overall cladding works continue on other portions of the building. Roofing work continues as weather permits and approximately 75% of the roof appears complete.
The City of Coquitlam has appointed a contractor to undertake the civil and landscape works for the turf field. A start up meeting between the Contractor, City, and School District will take place soon and the Contractor is anticipated to start on site shortly thereafter.
We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progress of the project.
School District #43 (Coquitlam)
April 2021
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Work has been progressing well on the NLC building at Centennial. Cladding work is continuing with most notable progress observable on the gym walls. Window frames and glass have been installed in many lower and upper floor areas and in the gymnasium. Foundation waterproofing work is in progress on the north side and is nearly complete. Favourable weather has allowed almost all the gym hot roofing work to be completed along with significant hot roofing progress for the balance of the roof. Work has been done in preparation for completing the extension of the existing parking lot, including removing large amount of earth, grading, compaction and the installation of piping for a new fire hydrant. Mechanical and electrical installations continue, and lighting installations have started in the fitness/weight room.
A Request for Proposals on the new turf field has been issued by the City of Coquitlam and interested contractors are currently reviewing the documentation and preparing submissions for evaluation by the City of Coquitlam.
We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progress of the project.
School District # 43 (Coquitlam)
March 2021
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
An issue which led to a slowdown in the NLC building construction progress at the end of January 2021 has now been resolved. Work at the site is expected to return to normal levels over the next couple weeks and is anticipated to proceed uninterrupted until project completion.
The City of Coquitlam City Council approved the turf field project at their Council meeting on March 1, 2021. SD43 understands that the City is now finalizing their design before moving to the tender and construction of the field.
We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progression of the project.
Groundbreaking Anticipated this Spring for Centennial Field: Read the joint City of Coquitlam and SD43 media release here
January 2021
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Work on the NLC building at Centennial is continuing to progress. Almost all of the exterior stud work is complete. The cladding work has continued with framing of the west side overhangs being put in place. Interior steel stud works are also proceeding and the interior concrete is almost totally complete. Air handling units are anticipated to be placed on the roof soon while the mechanical and electrical rough-ins continue. Roofing work is continuing as weather permits. The windows and curtain wall frame installations are progressing.
Design work for the new field is well underway with the City of Coquitlam and the detailed design is anticipated to be completed this spring. SD43 will be removing the portable adjacent to the field area ahead of field construction beginning. We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progression of the project.
December 2020
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Construction is continuing to progress on the NLC building at Centennial. Exterior steel stud work on the west side of building is well underway. The cladding work continues with the strapping now being installed for the next levels of cladding. Interior steel stud works are also continuing along with the mechanical and electrical rough-ins. Roofing work continues to progress as weather permits. More interior concrete work has been completed. Window and curtain wall frame installation has also begun.
Detailed design development planning for the field is now occurring with the City of Coquitlam. We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progression of the project.
November 2020
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Construction is continuing to progress on the Centennial site. Various concrete and underground remedial works have now been completed.
In addition, for the NLC building, the exterior steel stud work is nearly complete on the north, south, and east sides of the building. Cladding work continues most notably on the north and south side and gymnasium. Interior steel stud works are advancing well and the roofing work is continuing as weather permits. Two major air handling units are expected to be installed soon and the mechanical and electrical rough-ins continue to progress.
Preliminary planning work for the field is continuing with the City of Coquitlam. We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progression of the project.
October 2020
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Work continues to progress on the Centennial Secondary site. Various deficiencies in the main building and in the NLC Building have now been resolved.
Further, for the NLC building, the steel structure as well as the second floor and roof level decking have been completed. Exterior stud work is progressing well. Cladding work has started with notable progress on the new gym. Repainting of the retained existing gymnasium exterior has progressed. With less favourable weather approaching, exterior painting work will continue in the spring of 2021.
Preliminary planning work for the field is continuing with the City of Coquitlam. We will continue to keep you updated throughout the progression of the project.
September 2020
Dear Members of the Centennial Community,
Over the summer, the construction work has continued to progress on the NLC/Gym building. Work has progressed on a variety of aspects including but not limited to plumbing, HVAC and electrical infrastructure, wall framing, roofing and cladding/siding. In addition, SD43 and the City are currently in the early stages of design for the Centennial artificial turf field. We will continue to update you throughout the construction project. Thank you again for your patience.
February 03, 2020 Message: Dear Members of the Centennial Community
We thank you again for your patience as we have worked through the process of re-starting the construction on the Centennial NLC building. We are pleased to report that contractors have begun working on the installation of the remaining steel and will begin working on the roof soon. As well, you have probably witnessed our new contractor has been completing excavation and preliminary work on the field. The City of Coquitlam has also begun working on the design of the joint use artificial turf field. At this time, we do not have a completion date for the construction work at Centennial but we will continue to update you as the project progresses.
September 18, 2019 Message: Dear Parents/Guardians and members of the Centennial Community
On behalf of School District 43, we are pleased to announce that we have a new contractor signed on to complete the Centennial NLC Building. Workers have started excavating today to do site preparation so that they can start to bring in all their equipment. Some of you may be wondering what the timeline will be for completion. Unfortunately, we do not have that information available as the contractor is just beginning to take over on this site. We thank you again for your patience and we look forward to providing additional updates to you regarding the completion of this project.
April 18, 2019 Message: Dear Parents/Guardians and members of the Centennial Community
As many of you have noticed, construction on the second building was proceeding very slowly. We have been taking steps to get the construction back on track. As a result of the steps we have taken, we anticipate that a general contractor will be retained soon and will be in a position to recommence construction and to complete the second building as quickly as possible. This new facility will include a new gym, weight room, classrooms, and Neighbourhood Learning Centre space. We thank you all for your patience during this process.
Feedback Response on Facebook from Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart (January 2019)
Construction of Neighbourhood Learning Centre (NLC) building is underway (June 2018)
Demolition of the old school is well underway. Plans for the turf field are being developed (February 2018)
Phase two is underway which includes demolition of the old school (September 2017)
New Centennial Secondary School Opens (September 5, 2017)
The Technical Education portion of the building has opened for classes in September. The finishing work (such as flooring and final painting) in the remainder of the building will be occurring over the coming months (September 2016)
The contractors are working on interior finishes including flooring, millwork (cupboards), light fixtures, and final painting. Exterior finishes are proceeding. Concrete sidewalks and final grading for the parking lot are underway (June 2016)