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School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Learning for a Lifetime
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Programs of Choice

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The school district offers a variety of educational programs of choice for students that require registration.

​For a helpful summary of details about registration periods and deadlines for the upc​oming school year for many programs including Kindergarten, Cross Catchment, French Immersion, Montessori, and Mandarin Bilingual please visit the individual program pages listed on the left-hand menu. ​​

Student Registration Schedule_Websites.png

To apply for September 2025:

Applications for our Programs of Choice are now closed. 

​Kindergarten Program of Choice parents will be notified by email on the status of their application beginning Monday, January 27th.

Late Program of Choice parents will be notified by email on the status of their application beginning Tuesday, January 28th.​

Families who have been accepted into a program of choice do not need to apply for cross catchment. The school will provide directions regarding registration.  

FAQs for Kindergarten Applications for Programs of Choice

  • Q1. How many students can a Program of Choice take? [+]
    There are many variables that determine how many students a school can take. It depends on school capacity and projected enrollment. Maximum Kindergarten class sizes are set by Provincial mandate.
  • Q2. What happens if my child doesn’t get in? Am I on a waitlist? [+]
    The number of applications will exceed the number of space for each program. Students are given a random draw number. Children who are not placed into a Program of Choice are placed on a waitlist in order of random draw number and will be maintained until the end of the first week of September. Please do not contact the school regarding your child’s place on the waitlist. The school will contact you if space becomes available. If your child is not placed into a Program of Choice, you must register your child at their catchment school. Please check the school website for the dates of registration.
  • Q3. My child will have an older sibling in the same school/same program next year. Do I still have to apply? [+]
    Yes, you still must apply in order to have your child enter the Program of Choice. If you do not apply, your child will not enter that Program of Choice.
  • Q4. What happens if my older child is in Grade 5 and will be leaving the school in the following September? Can my incoming kindergarten child still be “grandfathered”? [+]
    The older sibling must be in attendance in the school for September in order for your child to benefit from the “grandfather” clause. For example, you have a child entering kindergarten in September and you would like them to enter French Immersion. You have an older child currently in Grade 4 in French Immersion at the same school. You are able to apply the sibling clause so your child is “grandfathered” into French Immersion. Your child would have the highest priority possible for entering Kindergarten French Immersion at that school. If the older sibling is currently in Grade 5 and will be moving to middle school in September, your child cannot be “grandfathered” into the program.
  • Q5. Can I apply for more than one Program of Choice? [+]
    Yes, you can apply for up to three (3) Programs of Choice. However, we ask that you only apply for programs that you only seriously intend to register your child.
  • Q6. I want a specific French Immersion school and a specific Montessori school because they are closer to my home. What do I do when I have the option to select multiple schools for French Immersion and Montessori? [+]
    If proximity is the most important thing for your family, only pick those specific schools closest to your home. Also, we believe that parents choose a program because they believe that is what they want for their kids which is why we select by program first.


School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

1080 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 0M6
604-939-9201 604-939-7828