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2215 Reeve Street, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6K8| Phone: 604-941-6053| Contact Us
École Riverside Secondary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Core Competencies

​​​​​​​​​​​​Core Competencies: The Foundation of Learning at Riverside

​​​What are CC's and Why are they Important?

Core Competencies are the foundation of BC Curriculum (Big Ideas, Curricular Competencies and Content) and learning at Riverside. CC's focus on the development and acquisition of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that will enhance the learning process and life-long learning. They are woven into the curriculum and are already naturally embedded in how we learn each and every day. Through mindful self-reflection and self-assessment, and capturing evidence of learning, students will be able to have a deeper understanding of how they learn most effectively and develop stronger learning skill sets.


(Credit - Featured Resources: Updated Core Competencies in the BC Curriculum | Education Library​)

What do Core Competencies Look Like at Riverside?

All students in grade 9-12 are required to complete one self-reflection on one of the core competencies for every class. Student self-reflection will be posted on their ​personal Edublogs, where they can be made private or public. There are a variety of templates and learning resources provided below. 

Things to Consider:

  • ​Self-reflection can take a variety of forms. 
  • Self-reflection should include student strengths, stretches and goals in relation and connection to Core Competencies, in a variety of learning areas. 
  • Students should take ownership of the their learning and reflective process throughout the year.
  • Provide specific evidence of your learning and examples in your Edublogs post and/or connected with your reflection. 
  • Focus on "I can" statements, and what a student is able to do.

I Can Statement Starters:​​​​

Communication Competency.pdf

Critical + Creative Thinking Competencies.pdf

Personal + Social Competencies.pdf

​​(Credit | School District 41 -​

Overview of Core Competency 'I can' Statements by Profile.pdf

(Credit - SD43 Learning Services)

Prompts for Reflecting on Core Competencies​​​:

Prompts for Reflecting on Core Competencies.pdf

(Credit | School District 36 -​

Core Competencies SD43 Poster Prompts.pdf

Core Competencies Reflective Capacity Development.pdf

(Credit - SD43 Learning Services)

Riverside Core Competencies Self-Assessment Documents

Core Competencies Self-Assessment (DESCRIBE OR DRAW).pdf

Core Competencies Self-Assessment (PROCESS).pdf

Core Competency Self-Assessment (CYCLE).pdf

Riverside Core Competencies Edublogs + Self-Assessment #'s

​How to Create a Category

How to Add a Category to a Menu



BC Ministry Information​

What are Core Competencies (BC Ministry of Education)

Curriculum Orientation Guide | Student Reflection + Self-Assessment (BC Ministry of Education)

École Riverside Secondary School

2215 Reeve Street, Port Coquitlam BC
V3C 6K8
604-941-6053 604-937-8058
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.