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1300 David Avenue, Port Moody, BC, V3H 5K6| Phone: 604-461-8679| Contact Us
Heritage Woods Secondary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy 10Logo_heritagewoods.png

Welcome to Digital Learning 10 at Heritage Woods Secondary School! In this course, students will display and develop various digital literacy skills and gain an understanding of digital citizenship, research and information literacy, and how to establish an online portfolio. DL10 is a year-long, blended learning (both online and face-to-face) course offered through Coquitlam Open Learning (COL) that all SD43 grade 9 students are enrolled in. This class runs outside of the regular timetable, which means that we have scheduled FLEX tutorial class times, but students are also responsible for working on the course on their own time throughout the year. This is a credited grade 10 level course and students will be receiving a final percentage for this course. Teachers will provide online access to resources, assignments, and tasks through Teams and Edublogs. Students are expected to participate in scheduled tutorial sessions and communicate with their DL10 teacher throughout the course.


Be sure to check out the DL10 Homepage for current year's schedule, assignment outlines, and screencast video tutorials:


During FLEX tutorials, students will be provided with the support to complete assignments and learn corresponding digital skills. This will include, but is not limited to:

  1. Creating an online portfolio on the Edublog platform
  2. Customizing and personalizing
  3. Uploading and embedding various documents and media
  4. Following FOIPPA regulations
  5. Becoming proficient in Office 365 tools (OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)


Learning Resources

Tech OfficeRoom 303 on the third floorThere are always awesome tech leaders and teachers here to help you out! FLEX and lunch are great times to drop by. There are also Mac desktops that you can sign into and use if you need a device.
HWSS DL10 Edublog There are lots of video resources to help you set up your Edublog and tutorials on how to do specific digital tasks throughout the course in the β€œHelp and Support" tab. All the course information and schedule are on there too!
Office 365 Log in with your school email and password to access your Outlook email, OneDrive, Teams, Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Excel, and more!


Bring Your Own Device

Students will require a laptop or desktop for this course and are encouraged to bring their own devices. If any students need to rent a device from the school, please contact the administrators for more information.

Heritage Woods Secondary School

1300 David Avenue, Port Moody BC
V3H 5K6
604-461-8679 604-937-8055
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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