βββββββββββββββFor your convenience, we have collected on this page links to resource sites parents may wish to consult to further their knowledge and understanding of ministerial and administrative content regarding our school and the school system in BC.
Daycare / after school programs
The following daycares currently serve Baker Drive Elementary families and transport to and from our school:
- Sunflower Daycare - inside Baker Drive Elementary: Contact Anna at (604) 618-9739 akrol28@hotmail.com
- Little Oaks Before and After School Care: Contact Miranda at (604) 604-355-1454 Miranda_collin@hotmail.comβ
β - Ranch Park Kids Place: www.ranchparkkidsplace.com. Contact Vicky at 604-942-6474.β
- Kidz Venture: (Offering Bheavioural Therapy and Preschool Service) @ www.kidzventure.ca
- Tri-Cities Tβaekwondo: www.tricitytkd.com Contact Rachel @ 604-936-9929 (After School Program Only)β
- Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jiusu https://gbportcoquitlam.com/ 604-780-8319
- Endurance Taekwondo Port Moody - β https://endurancetaekwondo.com
For further assistance in finding a child care facility or applying for the Affordable Child Care benefit, please contact the YMCA Child Care Resource and Referral:
Phone: 604-931-3400
Email: ygv.ccrr@bc.ymca.ca
Website: https://www.gv.ymca.ca/ccrr