What an exciting time to be in High School! Opportunities for students now exist which were not available even a few years ago.
Port Moody Secondary, in conjunction with SD 43, offers a number of interesting choices for students and parents:
WEX 12 (Work Experience 12)
Students can get an opportunity to explore a career choice without investing a great deal of time and money finding out that it was not an ideal career choice for them. They essentially get to “try it” before they “buy it”. The course consists of 30 hours of “in class” time where the student learns how to: find suitable employment, apply and interview for a job, and valuable skills which allows them to keep their job. The remaining 90 hours of time is set aside for “on site” learning. The student then goes out to work in their area of choice with a professional who will teach the student the “ins and outs” of their chosen job. The “on site” work experience may take place during school hours or on weekends and holidays.
SSA (Secondary School Apprenticeship)
Is your son or daughter currently employed in a recognized trade program? Did you know there are as many as 140 different trades recognized by the Industry Training Authority in BC? Look here http://www.itabc.ca/site3.aspx to see if your child is employed at one of them; if they are, then they may be eligible for extra high school credit. For every 120 hours worked, the student can collect 4 credits up to a maximum of 16 credits.
Look here for more information http://www.sd43.bc.ca/CareerPrograms/Pages/default.aspx
ACE-IT (Accelerated Credit Enrolment- Industry Training)
SD 43 offers dual credit courses where a student can get both high school and apprenticeship credit while still in high school. Students will enroll in one of the ACE-IT programs http://www.sd43.bc.ca/CareerPrograms/Pages/Programs.aspx and attends the designated host school where the program is taught. This course is designed for the student who is serious about their career choice and wants to get a head start on their profession. Although the student would attend a different high school, they would have every opportunity to attend Port Moody’s social events and graduation events.
Transition Programs
In addition to the above programs, SD 43 offers opportunities to explore other non-trade programs. Programs such as: Animal Health Technology, Hospitality and Restaurant Management, Bachelor degree in Physical Education and a host of other opportunities are available here
Please call 604-939-6656 for any more information.