Catchment Update for Lord Baden Powell Elementary School and Porter Elementary School
As previously reported, School District #43 (Coquitlam) completed an annual district-wide catchment boundary review. As part of the review process, it was determined that adjustments would be beneficial to the catchment areas pertaining to Lord Baden Powell Elementary School and Porter Elementary School. There is increased densification occurring along Austin Avenue, specifically in the current catchment area of Lord Baden Powell Elementary School. The increased densification will impact capacity at Lord Baden Powell Elementary in the short, medium, and long term. Porter Elementary School has short, medium, and long term capacity to accept more students. Therefore, the changes will better accommodate the growth in the area and proximity to schools for most students.
The Boundary Review Process involved identification of potential changes, sharing information regarding these proposed changes with partner groups, staff, families, and childcare centers at the potentially impacted schools, and receiving feedback on the proposed changes through an on-line survey.
Upon analysis and evaluation of the feedback provided, the district will be moving forward with the new catchment changes. The changes will be in place prior to school registration for the 2025/2026 school year. Please note that this change only applies to new students who move into the catchments or those starting Kindergarten in the 2025/2026 school year. Current students at Lord Baden Powell Elementary or Porter Elementary are not affected by the new catchment changes. Impacted addresses as well as a highlighted map of the area that is currently in the Lord Baden Powell catchment and will move to the Porter catchment is below.
Addresses impacted by the Catchment Change from Lord Baden Powell Elementary to Porter Schools:
• All addresses north of Austin Ave, East of Blue Mountain Street, West of Gatensbury Ave. and South of King Albert Ave.
• Austin Ave. All odd addresses between 955 and 1199 Austin Ave.
• Ridgeway Ave. All addresses between 958 and 1071 Ridgeway Ave.
• Howie Ave. All addresses between 961 and 1209 Howie Ave.
• King Albert Ave. All addresses between 1000 and 1214 King Albert Ave.
• Blue Mountain Street. All addresses on the east side of Blue Mountain Street between 511 and 535 Blue Mountain Street.