Attached is a list of community-based resources for support, as well as several links to online sources of information to support you during this pandemic. School District 43 Mental Health Resources and information.docx
This website has an extensive list of provincially funded mental health services to help people during COVID19. Scroll down for specific sections for parents, youth, students, indigenous and many others:
The Counsellor’s role can be divided into four major areas: counselling, consultation, coordination and education. Our goal is to provide a balanced counselling service that encompasses all four areas.
The Counselling Team
| Kevin
Henry Last Names: A- H 604.464.5793 ext 125312
| Victoria Butterfield Last Names: I - P 604.464.5793 ext 125309
| Leah Bosello
Last Names Q-Z 604.464.5793 ext 125311
Students are assigned to counsellors alphabetically based on their last name. However, students are free to see any counsellor should they so desire, for personal reasons. Students wishing to see a counsellor should proceed to the Counselling area to arrange an appointment time. Parents who would like information regarding their son’s or daughter’s progress or attendance are encouraged to contact their counsellor at Gleneagle.
Services offered by the Counselling Department:
Assistance with program and course selection;
Solving academic difficulties and problems in arranging for tutorial assistance, and in improving study skills;
Providing information about the school and its functioning and orientation;
Providing information on post-secondary training and registration (universities, colleges, vocational schools, tech. institutes, apprenticeship programs, etc.), and on transition to such training;
Providing information on vocational and career planning, family life, intellectual skills (learning styles, learning disabilities, study skills), relationships, child/sexual abuse, substance abuse, mental well being and healthy living;
Discussion of personal problems and assistance in making their own personal decisions;
Support in crisis situations and referral to community agencies (mental health, counselling, public health, Ministry of Children and Families, etc.).
In addition to the above traditional counsellors, Gleneagle offers the following support:
Career and Post-Secondary Advisor who assists students with post-secondary planning as well as volunteering, employment and other learning opportunities. Visit the Career Centre page under Programs for more information.
Work Experience/Transition Coordinator who also looks after Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) and district ACE-IT Programs
In consultation with the counsellor, and/or administration, Gleneagle’s youth worker provides an opportunity for students to work through stressful situations. The youth worker also assists in facilitating homework packages for students who may be absent for short periods of time.
- School-based Youth Worker
- School-based Indigenous Youth Worker (Tuesday/Friday)
- School-based Youth Worker of Mental Health and Substance Use/Abuse (1-2 days/week)
- Itinerant Korean Youth Worker
- Itinerant Chinese Youth Worker
Follow the TALONS MENTAL HEALTH Instagram account :