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2525 Como Lake Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3J 3R8| Phone: 604-461-5581| Contact Us
École Dr. Charles Best Secondary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Programs of Choice

​​​At Best, we have one main programs of choice (Construction Electrician).  The district also offers many more programs of choice to aid in a student's transition to post-secondary.  See below for more information on the program here at Best and visit the district website for more info on other programs.


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Construction Electrician


Our district offers TUITION FREE trades training to students who are hoping to gain their
level 1 technical training as a Construction Electrician.
The brochure and other links on the right will provide excellent information, expectations and requirements for this program.

There is limited space, so apply now for next school year's intake using the SD43 Application

SD43 partners with Camosun College to offer this a post secondary program for a complete semeseter (in 2016-17 we had an intake for each semester... more information will be available in the spring once all applications have been collected). Upon successful completion, students receive 16 high school credits at the grade 12 level.

The purpose of the EPIC program is to facilitate families and schools working in partnerships to ensure that students who are elite performers in athletics, theatre, music , dance and modelling are able to build educational programs that maximize success both in meeting Graduation Program requirements and achieving their potential in their discipline.   Student who compete or perform at a provincial, national or international level, students who are recognized as being in the top 10% in their discipline in the province, or students whose participation in a disciple is required to miss scheduled schooling on a regular basis may be interested in this program.

For more information, please contact your child's counselor or visit the district site outlining EPIC information.

Construction Electrician

Our district offers TUITION FREE trades training to students who are hoping to gain their level 1 technical training as a Construction Electrician.
The brochure and other links on the right will provide excellent information, expectations and requirements for this program.
There is limited space, so apply now for next school year's intake using the SD43 Application
SD43 partners with Camosun College to offer this a post secondary program for a complete semester (in 2016-17 we had an intake for each semester... more information will be available in the spring once all applications have been collected). Upon successful completion, students receive 16 high school credits at the grade 12 level.


École Dr. Charles Best Secondary School

2525 Como Lake Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3J 3R8
604-461-5581 604-937-8053
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.