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825 Gauthier Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 7C4| Phone: 604-939-8301| Contact Us
Alderson Elementary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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News Archive

First Week Schedule

August 30, 2024
​Tuesday, September 3rd  ·  Returning   Grade 1  to  Grade 5  students attend school from 9:00-9:30. Please have your child return to their classroom from this past school year. ·  New  Grade 1  to  Grade 5  students attend school from 9:00-9:30. Please have your child come to the front doors of...

Alderson Newsletters 2024-25

October 27, 2023
​Please click on this link to view this year's newsletters: ​ Alderson Newsletters​

School Start-up Newsletter

August 31, 2023
​Please see the attached information about the first week back at school.

Alderson Newsletters

November 18, 2022
Please find our latest Newsletters here: Newsletters​​

Welcome Back Newsletter

September 02, 2022
Welcome Back everyone!! Please see some welcome back information attached. If you are unable to open this please check your email as it was also sent out to all families.
​​ Welcome Back Newsletter Sept 2022.pdf

2022-2023 School Supply Lists

June 28, 2022
​Our school supply lists are on our website under the "Parents" tab. You can access that page also using this link: 2022-2023 School Supply Lists​

MyEd BC Family Portal

June 16, 2022
​If you do not know your username and password please email us:
Log in to your account here:​​ 
Please open this document for instructions: 
SD43 Getting Started with the Family Portal Brochure.pdf

Lost and Found

December 10, 2021
​Please email if you find an  item that belongs to your child.​ ​ Alderson Lost and Found.pdf

School Starts on Tuesday, September 7th

September 03, 2021
​Please click on this link for detailed school start-up information:
Sept 2021 First Week Back Information​

Indigenous Self-Identification

September 02, 2021
​​Knowing who you are and where you come from is an essential aspect within an Indigenous worldview. Knowing your identity can lead to an increased positive self-image. By self-identifying as an Indigenous student you may have access to a wide variety of academic, cultural, and social/emotional supports, programs, and activities (see...

Lost and Found - June 1 update

May 03, 2021
​Please email Anita: if you see anything in this collection that belongs to your child and the item will be returned to them​. Items that are not picked up by the end of June will be donated to charity. Lost and Found.pdf

Program Registration Information 2021-2022

November 30, 2020
​Please see the ​attached document for important information about: Kindergarten Registration for September 2021 Cross Catchment Application Process 2021-2022 Programs Of Choice Application Process 2021-2022

Winter Weather Ahead!!

October 30, 2020
Schools are not routinely closed due to snow or other inclement weather conditions. All schools in School District 43 (Coquitlam) will remain OPEN, if possible, during winter weather, including snowfall.
However, on occasion, a district-wide or partial-district closure is required due to extreme weather. Partial-district closures affecting individual schools may...

New Health Check Forms

September 21, 2020
IMPORTANT – The BC Centre of Disease Control (BCCDC) has just revised the Daily Health Check form so we need to have all parents sign the new one and return the signature portion back to school with their child. We are sending home a paper copy and I have also attached...

Sept 14 - Email message to families

September 14, 2020
Hi Alderson Families, ​Welcome back everyone!!! We are so excited that school is back in session. Things at Alderson look very different from what they usually do but the important part is that we are together again. It was so great to see all their smiling faces today!!
I will...

School Supplies

August 26, 2020
​School supply lists for all grades can be found on our website here: ​ 

Winter Weather Ahead!!

October 31, 2019
​Please ensure that you have read and understand the information attached. If you have any questions please email Anita: 

Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA)

September 28, 2019
All grade 4 students will participate in this assessment in October. Please contact the school if you have any questions.​

First Week Information

August 30, 2019
School starts on Tuesday, September 3 .  Here is what you need to know… Tuesday, September 3 All Grade 1 through 5 children will attend school from 10-10:45 am.  All students in Grades 1-4 will meet in the same classroom they were in last year. All Grade 5 students will meet in...

2019-2020 Bell Schedule

June 02, 2019
8:55 – Warning Bell 9:00 – Instruction Begins 10:20-10:40 – Recess 12:00-12:40 – Outdoor Play Time (Students will eat lunch prior to this time or after depending on their classroom schedule) 2:53 - Dismissal

Funding Announcement for New Elementary School and Three Additions

May 10, 2019
​The Province of British Columbia and the Ministry of Education today announced funding for a new elementary school in Coquitlam's Burke Mountain and three classroom additions for other School District No. 43 (Coquitlam) schools. Totaling $73.3 million, the announcement includes a new elementary school for the Sheffield-Partington area of North Coquitlam...

Class Placement Request Process

May 03, 2019
​Please see the attached letter to learn about this process at Alderson. FAQ re school organization - Spring Letter to Parents.pdf

Welcome to Kindergarten 2019 - click here for more information

April 17, 2019
​Attached to this message you will find the information that was sent home when new Kindergarten students registered at Alderson. Please email me or call us if you have any questions. Our contact information can be found at the bottom of this webpage. Welcome to Kindergarten Letter - Registration 2019.docx bc_routine_immunization_schedule_-_infants_children-screen.pdf...

Fraser Health Update re: Measles

February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019
Dear Students, School Staff, and Parents,

As you have heard, there is a measles outbreak at three schools in Vancouver. Please note that this is a localized outbreak and that students who are attending schools not connected to the outbreak have not been exposed. There is no evidence of...

Kindergarten Registration

February 08, 2019
​If you have a Kindergarten child but were unable to come to register them during registration week please come by as soon as possible. If registration is left until too late we may not have room for your child so letting us know right away is very important . Please click...

Cross Catchment Process Information

January 11, 2019
​Please click here to download the forms you need to apply for cross-catchment into Alderson or from Alderson to another school in School District #43. Cross Catchment Process Information

Hot Lunch - Orders are due January 18th.

January 07, 2019
​Please click here to download an order form: Hot Lunch order form. Orders are due by January 18th.

Emergency Preparation at Alderson

October 30, 2018
A new page has been added to our website to inform parents about Emergency Preparation at Alderson. Please read the documents posted on this page carefully​ so that you are aware of important emergency information for your child. You can find this page under the "About" tab at the top of...

First Day of School

August 30, 2018
Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year at Alderson. School starts on Tuesday, September 4.  Here is what you need to know!
Tuesday, September 4 All Grade 1 through 5 children will attend school from 10-10:30 am.  Please report to the classroom you attended in June.  If you are new to...

School Supply Lists

July 27, 2018
Please see school supply lists for each grade posted on our website here: School Supplies

Welcome Back!

August 28, 2017
​ Welcome to the 2017-2018 School year at Alderson   School will start on Tuesday, September 5.    Here's what you need to know!   Tuesday, September 6 Grade 1 through 5 students will attend from 10:00 am – 10:30 am .  Please return to your last year's classroom.  Students new to...


August 29, 2016
​The Alderson office will be open for registration of new students August 31-September 2 from 8:30 am-3pm.


August 29, 2016
​A new and exciting school year begins Tuesday, September 6. Kindergarten parents should meet their child's teacher in the library between 9 and 9:30 am to schedule a Welcoming Conversation.  Grade 1 to 5 children report to last year's classroom from 10-10:30 am. Children who are joining our community will be...

Kindergarten Registration for 2016-2017 - February 2-4

January 13, 2016
Registration for Kindergarten (children born in 2011) takes place from 9-3 on February 2,3,and 4. Refer to the checklist of required documents and cross-catchment information on the district website

Ache Brasil Performance at Alderson

November 02, 2015
Families are welcome to attend the performance of Ache Brasil on Friday, November 6 at 1 pm.


September 01, 2015
Parents of new Kindergarten children are welcome to drop in to the school library between 9 and 9:30 am on Tuesday, September 8 to schedule a Welcoming Conversation with their child's teacher.  Details regarding the gradual entry process for Kindergarten children were mailed to each family in early July.


September 01, 2015
On Tuesday, September 8 from 10-10:30 am all Grade 1 through 5 students will return to their last year's classrooms. Wednesday through Friday will be filled with Opening Week activities in Family Groups. Children's names will be posted in the windows of their Family Group classroom at 8:30 on Wednesday morning....

District Track and Field Event

May 15, 2015
Track and Field Participants,  On Tuesday May 19, 2015 the Alderson Track team will compete in our District Track and Field Event at Coquitlam Town Centre. If you are a Track and Field Team member please arrive at the school by 7:45 am Tuesday so we can make our bus departure...

Cross Catchment Application Process for 2015 - 2016

January 14, 2015
Attached please find information on the Cross Catchment Application Process for 2015 - 2016.

Kindergarten Registration for 2015

January 08, 2015
The Kindergarten Registration process for 2015-2016 will be held on February 3, 4, 5.  All students must be registered for Kindergarten at their catchment area school.


September 22, 2014
All children and their families are invited to take part in our daily FREE breakfast program at Alderson.  

ALDERSON SPRING CARNIVAL - Thursday, May 29 from 3-6 pm

May 26, 2014
Bring your friends and neighbours and join in the fun at the Annual Alderson Spring Carnival!  Dunk tank, inflatable slide, bouncy castle, police and fire demonstrations, carnival games and a gigantic concession await you.  


May 08, 2014
On May 7, Jana Nimmo, from Staples- Coquitlam, presented the school with a prize of $25,000 to be used for computer equipment.  Alderson was one of 10 schools nation-wide to receive this special prize based on the school's environmental initiatives.  Thank you Staples!!

Kindergarten Registration for 2014

January 21, 2014
The kindergarten registration process begins on February 4, 5 and 6, 2014 between 9:00 am and 3:30 pm.  Please read attached information for more details.

Cross Catchment Process Documents For Grade 5 Parents

January 21, 2014
If you are a parent of a grade 5 student and wish to change your child's middle school placement for the fall of 2014, please review attached cross catchment documents.   

Letter to Gr. 4 Parents from Tom Grant

January 09, 2013
Please see the attached information regarding this years FSA's.

Closure of Schools for Extreme Weather Conditions

December 18, 2012
In the case of extreme weather conditions such as ice, wind and/or excessive snowfall, the Superintendent of Schools has authority on behalf of the Board, to temporarily close a school. As a general expectation, parents should assume that schools are open.  If parents believe the local conditions are unsafe, they should...

YMCA Kids Club-Before & Afterschool Licensed Care

May 30, 2012
Time gaps before and afterschool can be empty and lonely for kids-and a challenge for busy parents.  YMCA Kids Club offers a healthy solution.  Kids not only get the opportunity to be active, have fun and develop confidence in a safe and caring environment, but parents also get the peace of...

Alderson Elementary School

825 Gauthier Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3K 7C4
604-939-8301 604 937-8000
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.