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3538 Sheffield Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3E 0M4| Phone: 604-937-8137 | Contact Us
Coast Salish Elementary
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Principal's Message


I am looking forward to welcoming everyone to what I am sure will become an engaged and vibrant learning community at Coast Salish Elementary School!  I can not tell you how honoured I am to have been given the privilege of being appointed the first Principal of our new school, and how seriously I take this task.  Over my past 20+ years as a teacher and administrator in Coquitlam School District I have worked in six school communities, most recently leaving my role as Principal at Seaview Community School, after five and a half years, to become Principal of Coast Salish.  On a personal note I am also a parent within our school district with three children (Riverside Secondary, Citadel Middle and Castle Park Elementary), thus you are likely to see me swimming at the rec centers, playing in the parks, coaching and playing hockey at the rinks and cheering my daughter on at the dance studios on a relatively regular basis! 

​As an educator I am a strong advocate for children and wholeheartedly believe that all children want, and have the capacity, to do well!  I try to put this into action every day in my practice, supporting all students to achieve their goals and challenge themselves to be the best they can in all areas.  I believe in an active school that teaches and nourishes the whole child!   Elementary children need to not only learn strong academic basics, they also need skills in self-regulation and social interactions, physical activities including both fine and gross motor development, technology use and safety, as well as being positive and productive members of our school, city, province and nation!  

I sincerely look forward to meeting and starting this journey with you all in September 2022!

Coast Salish Elementary

3538 Sheffield Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3E 0M4