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Millside Centre, 1432 Brunette Avenue, Coquitlam, BC, V3K 1G5 | Phone: (604) 936-4285| Contact Us
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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Forms & E-forms


The Parent eForm contains:

1.      Emergency Release

2.     Medical Alert (Optional)

3.     Volunteer Application (Optional)

4.     Driver Application (Optional)


You must complete the eForms and provide your email address in order to continue receiving emails from Apex.  This will ensure we are in compliance with Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. Our current year email distribution lists are based on the eForms. This will ensure you continue to receive updates, newsletters and PAC information.





Must be completed at the start of each school year. Click here to fill out the Emergency Release form. Print and return it to your child's school.  

Note: you can save this PDF on your home computer and edit it each school year as necessary...a real time saver! 


To be completed at the start of each school year but only if your child has a medical concern. Print, fill and return form(s) to your child's school.       

Parents may wish to review the Anaphylaxis Handbook β€‹β€‹for further information


To be completed once at each school level by parents who are planning to volunteer. This form can be picked up at the school office and is submitted to the school office.

Note:  you will need to submit a criminal record check (CRC) to your child's school.  Please get the "Criminal Record Check" document from the school office and take it with your application to the RCMP detachment.  This letter is signed by our principal and will waive or reduce fees required for your CRC. 

For information on obtaining a CRC, please read this Coquitlam RCMP document

To be completed each school year by volunteers who are planning to transport students during school field trips. This form can be picked up at the school office and is submitted to the school office.​

Note: you will need to submit both a driver's abstract and a criminal record check to your child's school as well as complete a Volunteer Application form.

For information on obtaining a driver's abstract, please visit this ICBC webpage.


Millside Centre, 1432 Brunette Avenue, Coquitlam BC
V3K 1G5
(604) 936-4285