The Learning Centre (LC) is a student support centre designed to provide assistance to students with a wide variety of learning needs. Services are available, but not limited, to students with learning disabilities, cognitive challenges, physical or chronic health needs, and vision and hearing impairments.
The Learning Centre staff is part of the school-based support team. Students served by the school-based support team may require an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) depending upon formal assessment and diagnosis. Students not requiring an IEP may also attend the Learning Centre for subject area support, homework completion, and skill building.
Attendance in the Learning Centre may be short or long term depending upon student needs and progress. Students may be formally scheduled in the Learning Centre for one or both semesters as appropriate. In addition, all non-scheduled students are welcome to attend the Learning Centre on a “drop-in” basis during off blocks. Time may be spent working on assignments or preparing for tests. Depending upon availability, Peer Tutoring may also be arranged through the Learning Centre.
Referrals to the Learning Centre are made in consultation with counselors, teachers, parents and students. Parents and students are invited to contact and/or visit the Learning Centre to become acquainted with the personnel and services.