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2717 St. Johns Street, Port Moody, BC, V3H 2B8| Phone: 604-936-0478| Contact Us
Moody Elementary School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
Principal's Message
RAWNSLEY_SHEILA.jpgWhat a privilege it is to serve this beautifully diverse and caring community!  Since joining Moody Elementary School in February 2021, I have been welcomed in (seeing the school motto, "Be Kinder Than Necessary​" in action!) and have learned about the many traditions and stories that have made this such a special place for so many years. I am passionate about equity, mental health and supporting students to thrive and be their best selves.  I look forward to continue working with the families in this growing community as we prepare to move to the new site next year!
Sheila Rawnsley

Moody Elementary School

2717 St. Johns Street, Port Moody BC
V3H 2B8
604-936-0478 604-937-8024
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.