Extracurricular activities provide a great opportunity for students to make new friends and develop a sense of belonging. We hope they will learn many meaningful lessons that come from being involved in a school club. Stay tuned as our teachers will be updating this site with the various clubs and teams around École Moody Middle School of the Arts and their sponsor teacher.
| Teacher
Sr. Band
| Mrs. Reichert
Jr. Band
| Mrs. Reichert
Ski & Snowboard Club
| Ms. Turje
DnD Club
| Mr. Bennett
Chess Club
| Ms. D (Youth Worker)
Art Club
| Mr. Walker
Library Club
| Ms. Leonard
Yearbook Club
| Ms. Leonard
Leadership (GEN & SLC)
| Ms. Egelstad
Rainbow Club
| Mme. Grayston
City of Port Moody Youth Club Programs
| (in conjunction with ÉMMSOTA)
Ping Pong Club
| Mr. Bennett
For more information contact our office at MoodyMiddleSecretary@sd43.bc.ca or Mina Difrakhsh (mdifrakhsh@sd43.bc.ca), our Youth Worker.