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130 Buller Street, Port Moody, BC, V3H 2C6| Phone: 604-461-7384| Contact Us
École Moody Middle School of the Arts
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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​​​​Extracurricular activities provide a great opportunity for students to make new friends and develop a sense of belonging. We hope they will learn many meaningful lessons that come from being involved in a school club. Stay tuned as our teachers will be updating this site with the various clubs and teams around École Moody Middle School of the Arts and their sponsor teacher.


​Sr. Band
​Mrs. Reichert
​Jr. Band 
​Mrs. Reichert
​Ski & Snowboard Club
​Ms. Turje​
​DnD Club
Mr. Bennett
Chess Club
Ms. D (Youth Worker)
​Art Club
Mr. Walker
​Library Club
​​Ms. Leonard
​Yearbook Club
​​Ms. Leonard
Leadership (GEN & SLC)
Ms. Egelstad
Rainbow Club
​Mme. Grayston

​​City of Port Moody Youth Club Programs
​(in conjunction with ÉMMSOTA)​
Ping Pong Club
​Mr. Bennett

For more information contact our office at or Mina Difrakhsh (, our Youth Worker.

École Moody Middle School of the Arts

130 Buller Street, Port Moody BC
V3H 2C6
604-461-7384 604-937-8047
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.