The framework below is in concordance with our numerous district policies, codes of conduct, as well as federal and provincial laws. It is important for all of us to read and understand these documents, found in the Reference section. |
This section is targeted to educators. It highlights the responsibilities of all educators and the resources supporting them. Much like the
Rights and Responsibilities document, this framework is also divided under four key headings:
I have the responsibility to:
- Keep my students’ personal information, including their names and images, private, unless parents are informed.
- Ensure personal information can only be stored on a server located in Canada, unless parents are informed.
- Report inaccuracies and inappropriate uses of personal information.
Information |
I have the responsibility to:
- Acknowledge and respect the ownership of others over their works and their right to state how they want their works to be used.
- Ensure that any content used is licensed for its intended use or that otherwise permission for use has been received.
- Model the ethical use of information, which includes citing images and content.
Information and Licensing
Teaching Tools
Use and Access to Information
I have the responsibility to:
Choose content that is of educational quality and that will help each of my students to learn.
Teach my students how to locate, evaluate and use information.
Use district resources for educational,school‐related purposes (e.g. non‐profit).
Protect my access to district resources(e.g. passwords) and ensure my actions don’t damage district resources (e.g. viruses, hacking, physical).
Model digital responsibility in my classroom and in my school.
Teaching Tools The Points of Inquiry: A Framework for Information Literacy and the 21st-Century Learner SD43 Recommended Teaching Resources (login required)
I have the responsibility to:
- Ensure students feel safe, are protected and are respected online within the realm of my classroom activities and projects, or that affect school relationships and/or climate.
- Facilitate student learning about appropriate behaviour online by allowing them to practice.
- Report behaviour that is harmful, unsafe and/or inappropriate, e.g. harassment, stalking, threats, insults or attacks on others.
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