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1240 Lansdowne Drive, Coquitlam, BC, V3E 3E7| Phone: 604-945-0156| Contact Us
Scott Creek Middle School
School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)
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This page contains information regarding required forms to facilitate communication between parents and the school.

Forms for completion in September: (scroll down on this page) 

  • Emergency Release - please complete and hand in to your child's teacher.  If the form has been misplaced, extra copies are available at the office. 
  • Medical Form (please provide if your child has a medical condition that we should be aware of.  If unable to print, please attach to email and send to​ β€‹

  • School Policies Form (through Schoolcash online)  Please complete by Sept 30
  • Volunteer Application
  • Driver Application​​
  • Student Fees (through Schoolcash online)  Due by November 30
  • Student Verification Form (please review and if there are any changes to the information we have on file, complete, print and return to the office).

Division Teachers / Teams (2024-2025)


Div 1 - Ms. J. Renard

Div 2 - Mr. N. Saranchuk

Div 3 - Ms. C. Stad

Div 4 - Ms. N. Sun / Ms, H. Seeley


Div 5 - Mr. B. Best

Div 6 - Mr. R. Perko

Div 7 - Mr. D. Devaney

Div 8 - Ms. H. Seeley / Ms. M. Dunn

Div 9 - Ms. N. Kamali


​Div 10 - Mr. M. Cameron

Div 11 - Ms. B. Galliford

Div 12 - Ms. M. Doyle

Div 13 - Ms. T. Romanelli

Div 14 - Mr. D. Mehltretter


Div 15 - Ms. R. Chin

Div 16 - Ms. A. Beckett

Div 17 - Ms. A. Lui

Div 18 - Mr. N. Marzitelli



Div 19 - Mr. Z. Wang

Div 20 - Ms. S. Chan / Ms. L. Hare

Div 21 - Ms. C. Fan


Div 22 -  Ms. T. Sahota / Ms. C. Livingstone

Div 23 -Ms. S. Webber

​Div 24 - Ms. J. Thiara


Thank you for your promptness in completing these forms!

Personal Device registration form​ (available in the office)





Must be completed at the start of each school year. This form is submitted via KEV School Cash Online.

Note: KEV School Cash Online is an eCommerce site and so it may appear that you need to pay a fee for our forms; you will see however that the cost is always $0.00


Must be completed at the start of each school year. Click here to fill out the Emergency Release form. Print and return it to your child's school.  

Note: you can save this PDF on your home computer and edit it each school year as necessary...a real time saver! 



To be completed once at each school level by parents who are planning to volunteer. This form is submitted via KEV School Cash Online.

You need to provide the School with a Criminal Record Check prior to completing this form.

Please request the Fee Waiver letter from the school you intend to Volunteer at prior to applying for the Criminal Record Check.

This Criminal Record Check can be obtained by contacting the RCMP detachment in your city of residence: Coquitlam RCMP (604-945-1550) or the Port Moody Police (604-461-3456).

Please note that applying online is the first step in the volunteering process. The school administration needs to approve all applicants to complete the process.

To be completed each school year by volunteers who are planning to transport students during school field trips. This form is submitted via KEV School Cash Online.

Note: you will need to submit both a driver's abstract and a criminal record check to your child's school as well as complete a Volunteer Application form.

For information on obtaining a driver's abstract,  please visit this ICBC webpage.

To be completed at the start of each school year but only if your child has a medical concern. Print, fill  and return form(s) to your child's school.       

Parents may wish to review the Anaphylaxis Handbook for further information 

Our online forms are not available at this point as divisions/homerooms have not been finalized yet.

Please visit this page at a later date.  Thank you!





Must be completed at the start of each school year. Please visit the following link(s) prior to opening the School Policies form:

School Code of Conduct


Must be completed at the start of each school year.

Fill out form, print it and return it to your child's school.       





To be completed at the start of each school year but only if your child has a medical concern.

Fill out form, print it and return it to your child's school.       

To be completed once at each school level by parents and non-parents who are planning to volunteer at our school.

Note: you also need to drop off a criminal record check (CRC) at the school office. Contact the school to ensure your CRC is still valid.


To be completed at the start of each school year by volunteers who are planning to transport students during school field trips.

Note: you will also need to drop off a driver's abstract and a criminal record check at the school office and complete a Volunteer Application form (once per school level).


To be completed at the start of each school year by staff or students planning to use privately owned devices (laptops, iPods, Blackberries, etc.) by connecting them to the district wireless or wired network.


To be completed when your child is going to be away from school.



Scott Creek Middle School

1240 Lansdowne Drive, Coquitlam BC
V3E 3E7
604-945-0156 604-937-8049
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Our school strives to keep our community informed. However, during urgent events, visit to ensure you receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.